Holistic Research Perspectives Vol. 5

Short-Term and Long-Term Effect of Acidic and Alkaline pH on the Mortality, pH Tolerance, Growth and Development Pattern of Shrimp (Litopenaeus Vannamei)

Dr. Suneetha. T, Dr. Ramanamma. T, Dr. Ramana Reddy. G, Dr. Sailaja. V

DOI: 10.47059/CIIR/BP20002/03
Pages: 28-40
Year of Publication: 2020



In recent years, drastic alterations in hydrogen ion concentrations of the aquatic systems leading to environmental acidity and alkalinity, posing a severe problem to aquatic life causing decline and disappearance of many inhabitants in different parts of the globe, especially sustenance of shrimp culture. Hence, Short-term (24 hours) and long-term (90 days) effect of acidic and alkaline pH on the mortality, pH tolerance, growth and development pattern of Litopenaeus Vannamei has been studied. The sub-lethal limit was determined after exposing Litopenaeus Vannamei for 168 hours in all pH media. Furthermore, from the experimental results, it has been observed that sub-lethal limit was from 6.5pH to 8.5pH. The growth of shrimp was studied from 10 days up to 90 days period at different ranges, wherein the maximum reduction has been found in the first ten days only. However, at the end of the experiment there has been 12.41 percent decrease in the body weight at 8.5pH and in total 16.58 percent productivity get decreased.

Keywords: Acidic, Alkaline, pH, Short term, Long term, Sub-lethal