MILA in Dental Education
MILA in Teaching Physiology for Dental Students
Dr. Deepak Nallaswamy Veeraiyan, Dr.M. Subha, R. Gayathri Devi, A. Jothi Priya, S. Preetha
Pages: 33-43
Year of Publication: 2020
MILA, Multiple interactive learning algorithm is a learning innovation based on activity based learning. Traditional teaching methodology doesn't seem to inspire the current generation as their concentration span has considerably reduced. Also they have loads of information to learn and remember. It is easier for the students to understand the complex topics when learnt through activities. A minced into portions that can be significantly remembered and applied in routine practice make the graduates successful practitioners. MILA in teaching physiology has made the subject much easier, understandable with a long term memory. In this article difficult topics from physiology were chosen and the students were taught by MILA. They were assessed for their learning and the results showed significant differences in the understanding of the students.