MILA in Dental Education

MILA in Teaching Prosthodontics

Dr. Deepak Nallaswamy Veeraiyan, Dr. Subha, Dr. Dhanraj M Ganapathy, Dr. Ashok, Dr. Suresh, Dr. Vinay Sivasamy, Dr. Mariam Anand Bennis, Dr. Visalakshi, Dr. Rakshagan, Dr. Keerthi Sasanka, Dr.D. Revathi, Dr. Kiran Kumar, Dr. Subhashree

Pages: 44-64
Year of Publication: 2020



Traditional dental undergraduate education engages students in laboratory and classroom settings during the first two years of their preclinical training, with the clinical subjects being introduced in the third and final year, followed by one year of rotatory internship. Prosthodontics is an extensive subject, with learning beginning right from the time the undergraduate student joins the course till the completion of undergraduation. An effort to probe into the difficulties faced by the students in learning prosthodontics has been made and identified areas of difficulties have been selected so that suitable remedial measures could be recommended and if feasible tested with Multiple interactive learning algorithm as a combined effort from the Faculty of Prosthodontics, Saveetha dental college. MILA makes a real difference when compared to the traditional method of chalk and talk lectures that sounds not very interesting with lectures scheduled during the afternoon sessions when the students felt drowsy. The article shares the outcomes of teaching prosthodontics with Multiple interactive learning algorithm in Preclinical prosthodontics-Denture teeth arrangement, RPD design, Impressions in complete denture treatment, Tooth preparation, Die systems, Failures in FPD, Basic implantology, practice management among slow learners, suturing techniques in implantology among UG and PG students. The results of prosthodontic learning outcome using MILA based on students performance after each teaching model with MILA is displayed in this article. The outcomes have been satisfactory. MILA in teaching Prosthodontics has revolutionized the way teaching can be constructed to move forward the younger generation to new thinking.

Keywords: Multiple Interactive Learning Algorithm, Prosthodontics, Complete Denture, Implantology, POGIL, CAT