MILA in Dental Education

Multiple Interactive Learning Algorithm (MILA) in Teaching Oral Medicine and Radiology

Dr. Deepak Nallaswamy Veeraiyan, Dr.M. Subha, Dr. Vivek Narayan, Dr.T.N. Umamaheswari, Dr. Jayanth Kumar, Dr. Sreedevi

Pages: 65-74
Year of Publication: 2020



Traditional lectures are the most common teaching method employed by many dental institutions. It is the method where the teacher stands in front of the students and delivers a speech about a particular topic to make the students understand the topic. This method of teaching is very popular among teachers and is still being used by many. Unfortunately, this traditional teaching method has significant drawbacks often resulting in a poor understanding of the concepts taught to the students. This has led to the advent of the Multiple Interactive Learning Algorithm which is abbreviated as MILA. MILA teaching involves fragmentation of the entire duration of the class into multiple small sessions. Here, the word facilitator is preferred over the lecturer, as the teacher facilitates the students in learning a particular concept rather than lecturing it. MILA uses many innovative techniques that are interactive to make the learning process more efficient. MILA has improved the understanding and retaining of a concept in memory and has also made the students engage actively in the learning process. MILA is employed in teaching various topics in Oral Medicine and Radiology such as TMJ disorders, IOPA, radiation physics, etc. The paper aims to discuss the new and innovative teaching method MILA in Oral Medicine and Radiology.

Keywords: Teaching, Traditional Lecture, Oral Medicine, Oral Radiology