MILA in Dental Education
MILA in Public Health Dentistry - A Learner Centred Model Approach
Dr. Deepak Nallaswamy Veeraiyan, Dr.M. Subha, Dr.I. Meignana Arumugham, Dr.R. Pradeep Kumar, Dr.D. Sri Sakthi, Dr. Samuel Srinivasan Raj, Dr. Jayashri Prabakar, Dr.L. Leelavathi, Dr. Arthi Balalsubramaniam
Pages: 75-96
Year of Publication: 2020
Our significant shortcoming in the education system for many decades has been to ignore the Brain based active learning that utilizes all senses maximizing the learning experience as well as nurture the greater depth of reasoning. A student sitting at a square table, with a square piece of paper, in a square room with departmentalized topics and a regurgitating curriculum utilizes approximately 3% of the brain’s capacity. This classic industrial age approach of teaching was found to be more prevalent among many Dental Universities in India. Dental educators should therefore attempt to utilize creative and innovative methods of teaching to accommodate students with differing learning styles to provide an opportunity to maximize their learning skills. One such learning method was adopted in Saveetha dental college is MILA (Multiple Interactive Learning Algorithm) which promotes active learning among students and also ensures that they truly retain the knowledge and information they receive. Activities such as POGIL (Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning), Classroom Cartoon Character (game based learning), peer-led team based learning, role play, critical pedagogy and Jigsaw classroom method which enabled the students to find and apply information relevant to clinical cases and foster higher-order reasoning skills. Therefore, This paper aims to discuss the lecturer's experience and student’s perception towards MILA in Public Health Dentistry topics. This model was employed on Saveetha Dental college third year dental students during their Pit & Fissure sealants, Atraumatic Restorative treatment, Tobacco cessation counselling, Fluorides in dentistry, Health Planning cycle, Evaluation, Levels of Prevention and Primary Health care lectures.